
Vision for the Kenilworth Multi Academy Trust

Young people in KMAT Schools

In the Kenilworth Multi Academy Trust, students are happy in our schools because of our focus on nurturing their well-being and mental health so that they can reach their full potential. They enjoy their learning, behave well, and make good or excellent progress, irrespective of their prior attainment, individual needs and socio-economic profile. Our students are ambitious to be the best they can be and use their independence and thirst for learning to excel.

Our young people are at the heart of everything we do and their success is founded on the partnership between home and school. We broaden their horizons and embrace diversity by enabling every individual to work in partnership with others, across a wider socio-economic and ethnic profile beyond their base school.

Our students participate in enrichment activities within the KMAT, for example, educational visits, regional and international competitions, music or sports tournaments, joint student councils and learning ambassador schemes.

When they leave school, they are equipped with the skills to be successful in higher education or employment. Our young people are proud of their school and the KMAT. They are encouraged to take risks, challenge themselves to volunteer for positions of responsibility and undertake new activities which may be ‘outside of their comfort zone’. By learning from mistakes, they become more reflective, reason well and are adaptive to change. Their education provides them with the flexibility to compete for jobs and future positions that may not yet exist.


KMAT Schools and our Values

The Kenilworth Multi Academy Trust has a unique identity and our commitment to inclusive practice runs through all of our schools. The KMAT has a suite of policies to define best practice and, alongside this, individual schools have school-based policies which reflect individual communities. Each school has its individual strengths and draws on the expertise of the collective provision of the KMAT.

We are proud of being a small and local trust based in the town of Kenilworth and the South West of Coventry. This means that as a small trust our Central Team is visible and on hand to offer support to staff to focus on the quality of learning and for leaders to have impact. Our schools have their own identity, adapting our strapline of ‘Aspiring to Excellence through Quality, Ambition and Independence’ to suit to their school communities. We add value to the lives of our young people through an excellent all round education that extends beyond the classroom. As a small Multi Academy Trust with provide excellent transition through all key stages from primary to secondary and beyond in a society that is diverse.

The Curriculum in KMAT Schools

We are united in our commitment to narrowing gaps in educational attainment between the most advantaged and disadvantaged young people through a curriculum that is adapted to their needs. Our education stimulates a passion for independent learning and the development of broader life skills, such as reasoning, reflection, resilience, and teamwork. The curriculum intent in each of our schools allows for flexibility to adapt provision to meet the needs of its learners.

 In KMAT schools, we emphasise the importance of a broad education that is more ambitious than the national curriculum, developing cultural capital and knowledge beyond that which is examinable.

The curriculum in all of our schools prioritises the interrelationship between learning that engages young people, the development of character, healthy minds and the balance between academic study and the pursuit of wider non-academic interests. Students have access to new curriculum opportunities as they progress through their education.

Due to the close proximity of our schools and the resources available our students have a wider curriculum offer through joint courses at different locations and through use of shared resources online.

The trust promotes innovation and best practice encouraging all staff and students to use technology to enhance teaching and learning. Our curriculum allows students to use their independent study advancing their learning with tools such as Artificial Intelligence.

Curriculum resources are pooled allowing access to the best across the KMAT to offer enhanced opportunities for students. An offer for a post 16 curriculum provides a wide range of choices for students to remain within KMAT schools and attracts students from other local schools. The offer is broad and capitalises on the expertise of the collective provision, and specialist knowledge of teachers across our schools. Post GCSE courses provide challenge and academic rigour enabling students to excel and develop independent learning habits. The curriculum resources shared with primary schools enables students to be prepared for the demands in enhanced personal organisation for self-study and homework and new subjects when they join secondary school.

All courses are cost effective, providing good value for money, and avoiding duplication of provision across the KMAT. Alternative non-A level provision enables all students from year 11, including those who are SEND, to access suitable choices if they do not meet entry criteria for A level courses. A central offer for careers development enhances the curriculum in many ways such as linking curriculum learning to careers, providing close links with employers, further and higher education, enabling learners to develop the readiness to engage with work related learning and develop employability skills. Personal guidance is offered to all students in the KMAT to enable them to make the right choices for their next steps. The Gatsby benchmarks are embedded throughout both the curriculum and wider enrichment opportunities.

KMAT Staff

Our teachers and support staff strive to be the best professionals they can be. They are committed to teaching all young people, including those in other KMAT schools beyond their base school, in the spirit of true collaboration. Communication between staff across schools is good and teachers share resources and plan together. Senior and middle leaders engage in joint quality assurance for consistency.

KMAT has a culture in which the safeguarding of all young people permeates our schools.

Shared resources allow all staff to share best practice and embrace technological advances in education such as generative Artificial Intelligence to meet the needs of everyone and improve overall efficiency or workload.

The KMAT provides excellent continuing professional development for all staff leading to a highly motived, skilled workforce. Many of our highly qualified teachers lead training of graduates and new recruits into the profession.

We build on nationally awarded accreditations and professional qualifications to develop and integrate system leadership and school improvement, across our schools or in partnerships beyond the Trust.

In addition to an extensive CPD programme, we incentivise our workforce with a range of initiatives for staff well-being and occupational support packages and other benefits within our KMAT People Strategy.

KMAT and The Wider Community

Excellent links exist with the local community, local authorities, the DfE and other educational providers for continuous improvement within KMAT. Students benefit from the involvement of local business partners through a range of opportunities within and across schools to widen participation into higher education and to broaden awareness of opportunities for apprenticeships and employment. Partnerships with business and industry, both nationally and internationally, provide new experiences for students and teachers to understand the importance of skills for employability. Our employer database allows students access to a wider range of work related opportunities beyond the immediate locality of their school.

KMAT Governance

Governance and leadership are ambitious and work in tandem to improve the direction of each of our schools and link priorities to the vision of the Trust. Trustees and Governors understand the needs of our schools and the priorities of the Trust, holding leaders and Executives to account in their pursuit of excellent provision for the students in our schools. We provide excellent opportunities for our Trustees and Governors to have up to date training and to be kept informed about the impact of decision making on student outcomes and staff well-being.

They are committed to embedding the values of the KMAT across all schools and ensuring that each school provides best value for money and positive educational outcomes for all of our young people.

Local Governors have a direct link to the Board of Trustees ensuring that the views and needs of all schools are represented at all tiers of governance.

Hayden Abbott December 2024


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KMAT Strategic Vision implementation plan 2024-2027 12th Dec 2023 Download